Last week’s find was the craftwork of a silversmith. This week’s #FridayFind is how you can find said craftwork.

So you want to investigate whether or not your ancestor had an occupation that might have resulted in physical items. Beyond just checking the usual censuses and city directories, try looking at databases specifically on craftspeople! For example, has one called “U.S., Craftperson Files, 1600-1995,” but others are out there too. From there, you can learn who they worked with or apprenticed under.

Need help in your treasure hunt? Email us at!


From vivid deaths to thrilling 19th-century thefts, past newspapers differ from today. This week’s #FridayFind explores what was deemed newsworthy in a 1916 newspaper!


Tracing your family’s lineage can be a treasure hunt (or maybe a wild goose chase when you hit a brick wall). This week’s #FridayFind, however, isn’t quite so metaphorical.