This week’s #FridayFind is… an event that happens only once every 365 days: December 3rd.

What’s so important about December 3rd you might ask? Besides the anniversary of Germany’s first regular census? We’ll give you a hint, it has more to do with birth certificates than a census. That’s right, we’re talking about a birthday!

No, not Brendan Fraiser’s. Or the Quebec Bridge’s. Not Lil Baby’s, the first Playstation’s, or even Princess Luise Marie Elisabeth of Prussia's. We’re talking about three other people born that same day.

Happy belated birthday, Robert, Leonard, and Edward Thornhill! Although not exactly public figures prominent enough to have their own Wikipedia pages, these three brothers’ shared birthday makes them interesting in their own right. Why? Because they weren’t triplets! While they were all born in New Jersey on the same day, the events were years apart.

Have you discovered any statistically improbable birthdays amongst your ancestors? Tell us all about it and send an email to!


Tip #9: No matter how malevolent mold may seem, it’s not actually out to get you.


Tip #8: Creepy crawlies won’t wait for an invitation to come for dinner.