We may be a few days late for April Fools’ Day, but this week’s #FridayFind is no joke!

In late 1885, Enoch Beakley, the “chief of a band of spurious money manufacturers,” was arrested and brought to trial. After searching his house, the officers found molds and other supplies for forging various gold and silver pieces. The New York Times estimated that hundreds of dollars (thousands in today’s money) had been circulated throughout the region.

Have you come across any interesting crimes committed by your ancestors? Email us at emma@backlog-archivists.com


Since 1790, the U.S. census has been a once-in-a-decade tradition of data collection. But this week’s #FridayFind highlights a rare exception to this long-standing statistics-gathering routine!


This week’s #FridayFind is a full house, even by 20th-century standards.