Tip #10: Check the temperature and relative humidity of your collection often.
As with all archival hazards, prevention of problems is the golden standard. Keep the relative humidity and temperature where you store your collection low. Mold tends to flourish at a relative humidity between 65% and 70%, and temperatures between 75°F and 85°F. This isn’t to say mold can’t grow outside of these rangers, only that keeping your collection inside of these ranges is just asking for trouble.
Lets say, hypothetically, that you did do this and the unthinkable still happened. As soon as you notice a potential mold outbreak, your first step should always be to grab your PPE. Before investigating, before touching, before moving anything, acquire and don appropriate masks, gloves, and eye protection. Even if the outbreak appears small, you can never predict your body’s reaction to prolonged exposure. Be on the lookout for typical allergic reactions such as skin irritation, itchy eyes, and sneezing. At the first signs of negative health impacts, call a conservator. Human health always takes priority over the collection.
After that, your next steps depend heavily on what materials have been affected, whether or not you’re dealing with active or inactive mold, and the overall size of the outbreak. If you don’t have access to a conservator, be sure to do your research. For some archivist specific nightmare fuel, check out the second image above to see what active mold looks like on an antique rolling pin. Scary? Monitor your environment!
Want to learn more about caring for your collection? Check out our webinars on YouTube!