Family Archives

We’re here to help with your Family Digital Archives, genealogy research, family oral histories, and the preservation of family heirlooms.


Preservation of Family Heirlooms

Family treasures stashed in an attic? Backlog offers preservation services, re-housing all of your items in archival-grade containers, and extending the life of each piece for future generations.

Digitization Services

Backlog offers digitization services, bringing new life to family photographs.

Family Digital Archives

Backlog’s professional archivists collect digital copies of family heirlooms, gather information about each item, and bring everything together to preserve your story for generations to come. Our Family Digital Archives process includes:

  • Sort and organize your physical and digital family records

  • Rehouse items in archival storage containers for long-term preservation

  • Digitize your collection including photos, postcards, and family records

  • Create a digital space where your family can access its heirlooms and stories

Ready to get started?